Infinium - a Multi-User Dimension (MUD) Experience

Welcome to a unique, custom MUD with tens of thousands of rooms, hundreds of engaging quests, 50 levels, and a community of supportive retro text gamers.

The Goal

Have fun! The primary purpose of Infinium is to re-envision those wasted hours exploring worlds, chatting with players, and leveling up. The idea behind Infinium is a place that transcends time and space, giving the player a chance to fight cyborg dinosaurs, rescue homesteaders from Antarctic barbarians, or visit strange new worlds.

The Mechanics

Once a player progresses past a training zone, their access to different zones widens with the use of a beacon mechanic - allowing them to transport to a safe area and begin exploration. These beacons can be found on mobs, hidden in secrets, or given as quest rewards. Infinium uses a special transportation system that acts as guardrails until a player has enough skills, equipment, and courage to tackle the fantastic worlds that lay within.

The End

The joy of a mud (or the pitfall) is that there is no end, no completion. In Infinium... there is. Each player is assigned a unique 32 alphanumeric code that, when entered into the Infinium containment unit which holds the infiniverse together, will destabilize and destroy everything. This amounts to a pwipe and shutdown of the MUD. We're estimating it should take a few years to gather the code from quest completions and have put in safeguards to ensure one can not simply guess.

Discover Infinium!

Telnet to InfiniumGame 9999

Snippet of the Day

Sarah Edwards winks at you.

20H 102M 82V >
Medical Center
Small tubes in the ceiling fire pressurized bursts of sweet-smelling air
whenever the automatic doors activate, keeping the room fragrant and sanitized.
On every surface of the pure white walls is a constant scroll of graphs and
text, monitoring and reporting on every human connected via the Neural-Link
[ Obvious Exits: n e s w ]
A Nexus vending machine gives a welcoming chime as you approach.

20H 102M 81V >
l machine
Exactly two meters tall, this large black box has a few rows of buttons and a
rather large delivery bin at the bottom to catch the dispensed item. To remove
the inherent linguistic barrier of multi-dimensional time travel, each button
has a simple picture on it to describe the item.

20H 102M 81V >
l button
There's a picture of a piece of a length of rope, a compass, a flashlight, a
pamphlet, and a binder. Upon further inspection, it looks like you can just
PRESS the appropriate button for your desired item.

20H 102M 81V >
press pamphlet
You confidently press the pamphlet button...

20H 102M 81V >

A pamphlet drops into the delivery bin. You quickly grab it and place
it in your inventory.

20H 102M 81V >
l pamphlet

Ever wonder what the Infiniverse would be like if the infinite weren't piped
through the ten dimensions? If you answered 'boring,' you're not that far
off! Yet accessing everything all at once (and not at all) takes a lot of
power, unless you're at the center of a diverging push (and pull) of time
and space through itself (and the infinite possibilities between)!
Sure, it seems 'weird' to kill your parents and still exist, or to harvest
bodies from ancient, forgotten worlds to reanimate as cyborg shells to
suppress uprisings on a planet eight solar iterations removed, but we
don't make the rules: you do!

That freedom doesn't come at a cost, and the combined efforts of the five
companies (it's best to use that term for universal legality purposes), who
have contributed over 10^142 years of research and endeavor, have given us
a chance to do all those 'weird' things that actually keep the fabric of
space time together!

As with all travel, there are some risks, and shifting you (or any non-
plasmic state string (above 10^-19K) through space time by interpreting
your position in a nitrogen-rich environment, mapping 10^359 strings that
constitute 'you' and 'your stuff,' sorting them into easily identifiable
data sets, then reconstructing them at another point in space time) may
result in nervousness, agitation, anxiety, sleep problems, stomach pain,
loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitations,
headache, vision problems, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure,
sweating, skin rash, psychosis, and numbness, tingling, or cold feeling in
your hands or feet, internal bleeding, external bleeding, loss of limbs,
loss of self, brain damage, stroke, heart attack, cancer, attempts to commit
suicide, acting aggressive or violent, hallucinations, coma, coordination
problems or muscle twitching, neurological failure, rapid changes in body
temperature, rapid genetic mutation, posttraumatic stress disorder, panic,
combustion, liquefaction, partial reconstruction, or sudden and immediate
death or dismemberment documented or undocumented.

The quick, effective, and safe method of traveling through the Infiniverse
couldn't be easier. Just make sure to follow these important rules:
1. Only initiate to known area. Do not type 'init 6' if you only have
access to three areas.
2. Travel alone. Taking a friend on an exciting trip to hunt dinoborgs is
on everyone's bucket list, but only one traveler at a time.
3. Make sure you're decontaminated. Take a moment and decontaminate in the
Nexus' state-of-the-art Medical Center. There's a VERY good chance you
picked up something on your journey.

Thank you for reading this and waiving any and all rights to sue us for
any forseen or unforeseen incidents that could happen when using the
Quantum Dithermic Magnovectric Interferometer.

---THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY MetaGuard LLC, Infinlite Group, The
Alliance for Scientific Excellence, NASH, and Pathways Limited---

20H 102M 84V >
say ohhhhhhhh boy.
You say, 'ohhhhhhhh boy.'